Presbyterian Women's News
Barbara McInnes,
For more than 200 years, Presbyterian women have played a vital role in the mission and ministry of the Presbyterian Church (USA). That continues today at the Church, Presbytery, Synod, and Church wide levels through Presbyterian Women. Many Presbyterian Women in Western North Carolina are involved in circles, conduct Bible studies, are active in their communities, and contribute in ways large and small which impact the world. Presbyterian Women truly endeavor to live out the Presbyterian Women Purpose, which follows.
Presbyterian Women Purpose
The Deborah Circle supports The Presbyterian Women of our denomination. We include in our meeting a Bible Study. We have a time of prayers for members and church concerns and give thanks for the good things that have happened in our lives. We meet the second Tuesday of each month at 2:00 p.m.
We support our projects with personal donations of our members and fundraisers. We keep a blessing box which we use for bestowing blessings on those that have need of a little sunshine. One of our charitable activities this last year included a Micro Loan program to the women in Guatemala in partnership with Presbyterian Women. The Micro Loan project helps women in Guatemala to start a variety of different types of small businesses. These women are given a mentor and must network with a small group of micro loan recipients. They receive business education in their businesses of choice along with basic best practice, nutrition education. Each woman is given a prayer partner. Other activities include:
Thank you for all your support and help in all our activities.
We consider our greatest project is to Share God's love with each other by supporting each other with prayer, listening, and laughter.
We consider our greatest project is to Share God's love with each other by supporting each other with prayer, listening, and laughter.