Ministry Teams
Clerk of Session
Brenda Kraft
Christian Education
Sharon Ramsey, chair The CE Team gathers to support our members and friends to grow in Faith, through Sunday school classes and discussion groups. FPC asks the Holy Spirit to enhance our faith, compassion and relationships with God and others. Congregational Care and Outreach Barbara McInnes, chair The C.C & O Team meets to share God's Love. The Congregational Care Team provides support for members and friends through prayers, cards, visits and the sharing of meals. Congregational Care also enhances the hospitality of our own congregation with second Sunday lunches. the food is provided and donations are welcome. "Outreach" is the liaison between our members, the community via the web site, etc. Mission & Service Gail Lehman and Lael Wilson, chair The M & S Team gathers to serve with Hope. In practicing the teachings of Christ they:
Personnel Committee Brenda Kraft, Neal Keenum, Tom Fagg, Barry Clinton The Personnel Committee’s responsibilities include making job descriptions for each employee, making sure compensation is reviewed yearly for each staff member, recommends personnel policies to Session, encourages professional growth and development of all staff, provides for equal employment opportunities, reviews work with each employee at lease once a year, and acts as a support group for the pastor and other members of the staff. The committee reports to the Session for approval on all decisions. |
Stewardship Committee is composed of Finance & Property Teams
Finance Brenda Kraft, chair The Finance Team is responsible for the Business Affairs Committee who is responsible for collecting the money, counting the money, tabulating and recording the money received, depositing the money, accounting for the expense of the money, investing the money and then reporting back to the congregation the end result of all these actions. Property Russ Rankin, chair The Property Team furnishes a place of worship, fellowship and community through maintaining a clean, safe and comfortable place to gather. To this end the team will call on members to assist with various projects and work days for our grounds and buildings. We consider our facilities a gift of God to congregation and to the Franklin area. Worship and The Arts Dennis Dalgleish, chair The Worship & The Arts team meets to give thanks to God in worship for our faith, hope and love. In concert with the session, organist and pastor, the team provides music and liturgy for weekly and seasonal worship. Under this team, the Liturgical Arts Team enhances our spiritual seasoning with a variety of artistic mediums. |
Monthly Meetings
Please check calendar for meeting schedule.
Please check calendar for meeting schedule.